On Wednesday, August 28th, the Stamford Democratic City Committee held its monthly meeting and the membership voted in favor of holding a hearing to determine if there is good cause to expel Anabel Figueroa as a member of the Stamford DCC. The vote passed 37-0-2 (37 votes in favor, zero “no” votes, and two abstentions). On August 19th, District 4 DCC member Eva Padilla resigned following her usage of an antisemitic trope in a Facebook post regarding endorsed Democratic candidate Jonathan Jacobson.
The motion voted and approved was as follows: “[I move] pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the DCC Rules, that the DCC hold a hearing to determine if there is good cause to expel Anabel Figueroa from the Stamford DCC, and that a reasonable date and time of the hearing be set by the DCC Executive Committee.”
Details of the hearing will be duly noticed.
This vote comes after Anabel Figueroa made antisemitic and divisive statements about her primary opponent Jonathan Jacobson.
See the latest Stamford Advocate article including a response from the DCC Chair.