On behalf of all our candidates, we want to thank everyone who came out and volunteered with the Stamford Democrats this election cycle and worked hard to get our Democratic voters out.
While the presidential election did not turn out the way we hoped, we want to thank Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for reminding us of the importance of hope and joy and for energizing us all over the past 100 days. We can be proud that in Stamford, Harris/Walz received 63% of the vote. In the first presidential election in which early voting was available in Connecticut, over 50% of voters voted early or by absentee ballot. Overall, voter turnout was 74%.
We are also very proud of our newly elected officials and of the state delegation we are sending to Hartford. Statewide, the state house and state senate also gained seats to increase their Democratic majorities.

All our Democratic candidates won in Stamford! In house districts 125 and 149 and senate district 36, which were all contested races, overall turnout in Stamford was around 80%. However, it was unfortunately not enough to close the margins in the Greenwich and New Canaan parts of the district. We lost a truly wonderful representative, Rachel Khanna, and we want to thank her for working tirelessly over the past two years serving her district and our community.
We knew this election was going to be tough, but we made a conscious effort to invest early in our election operations, including sending out mailers to voters about early voting, hosting weekly volunteer nights (thank you to Indivisible Stamford for partnering with us and for all your help), working with the state Harris/Walz team to send Democrats to battleground states like Pennsylvania to canvass, and of course, our robust local field efforts of phonebanking, canvassing, writing postcards, and texting.
While our election headquarters at 503 Summer Street has now closed, our local party is still active and fully operational. Our work is never done, and we have an important municipal election year ahead. In the coming months, we will continue to have our monthly DCC meetings, host educational and social events, recruit candidates for elected and appointed boards, and keep Democrats informed about local, state, and national issues.
We won’t always win every election, but we will always continue to learn, grow, and keep fighting because our work matters and the fight for our democracy, freedoms, and rights matter. We encourage you to follow and engage with us on our website and on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest information and events.
For more information on the final election results, visit the Secretary of State’s website.